Monday, September 22, 2014

Questions About My Future

Hi Jordan, 

I am having many questions about my future. It feels as though my life is stagnant. Nothing is moving I need to know if the sacrifices I am making are going to be worth it in the end. 

Hello Karina,

Thank you for writing in.  Counseling doesn't provide answers to your questions, but rather helps one learn how to harness the power of the light within your soul to create the future you wish for.  It is natural to feel confused, discouraged, and even frustrated when you put effort into creating your future but feel there are no results for your efforts.  These emotions are temptations way of trying to have you give up on your dreams and efforts. 

The light is the opposing energy of temptation.  The light feels you with perseverance, faith and diligence. It helps push you through stagnant or difficult times so that dreams may be realized.

What seems impossible today can be reality tomorrow. Impossible can be seen as I'm Possible if looked at from a different perspective :).

The universe doesn't have the same concept of time as we do so perhaps you might want to visit the website and read some of the pages on spirituality to help gain back your belief that anything you dream and work for will happen.  Things may not be as you wish today but work and effort to evolve is never wasted.  You can do and achieve and create whatever it is you wish for!!

Love and Light,
Jordan Canon
Spiritual Advisor

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Directing Once Energy Towards a Divine Path

Hi Jordan,

I am currently on a new path, that which i believe to be my divine path. It is a new journey, and I am currently filled with confusion about my direction. 

I am a Primary School teacher, and due to circumstances meaning I had to move states, I am currently out of work, and not having much luck finding work. I have also begun an online course in Western Herbal Medicine, as this path was delivered to me through meditation, and is the direction I believe I am to take.
> My confusion then comes from a place of fear. I fear the future because it is unknown. I am having financial difficulties, which is also resulting in fear.

I perform angel oracle cards daily, and many of my readings perform similar outcomes - that i am a light worker; that I belong in the field of communication; that I have begun a new path and giving birth to new ideas. These readings do give me comfort, but I cannot shake the feeling of confusion. I do not know where I am heading. My family and loved ones are concerned, because they only see me without employment, which makes me feel like I am a failure to them. 

I ask daily for guidance and support from the universe and from my angels. I'm not sure whether I am shutting off my answers from them or not, and this once again confuses me. 

I am seeking spiritual counselling, because I'm not sure where else I should turn. My family and loved ones do not understand this path, thus I find it difficult seeking advice/support from them. 
I hope my email does not come across with too much negative energy. I hope my confusion and fears have been expressed accurately. 

I sincerely thank you for your time, and look forward to a response. 

Thanking you ever so much,

Australia, Brisbane

Hello Jess,
Thank you for sharing your situation with me and it is great that you've devoted time and energy into your spiritual journey.  Evolution is a never ending process and requires significant work at times.  It is not easy to remain focused when hurdle after hurdle stands in your way of moving forward down a path you've chosen.  I often suggest to others who write in that in times of uncertainty, it may help to take a step back and contemplate whether there is a different level of energy or direction that could be added to an existing path in order to achieve what it is you want to achieve.  In your case, you may want to take a step back and think about whether there is anything differently than what it is you've decided to do.  For instance, you may want to consider whether to continue searching for a job in your main field.  Perhaps your path may be more realistic if you decided to pursue both - a job in your field and continuing your online courses. 

That is simply one suggestion.  You may come up with something totally different.  The key is to always believe that there is a way to achieve your purpose and remain in peace.  The key is to continue harnessing the energy of the light in your daily life - in work and relationships (we only evolve from our relationships), because what is achieving one's destiny if there aren't harmonious relationships of love to share in your happiness, right?

Love and Light,
Spiritual Advisor

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Libra Creating a Soul Mate

Hi Jordan,

I am ready to start creating my soul mate. I can attest to the fact that we create them. But I need some guidance. The last time I did this (a very long time before finding you and your website) I created what I thought was my soul mate. I was so pleased when he arrived. He was the embodiment of everything I had asked for. So I accepted him. 

Then, as time went on I came to realize everything that I had NOT included in my prayers for a mate. There were many things I hadn't even considered, but was not made aware of it until I was completely embroiled in this relationship. It took a very long time and cost a great deal of energy to get out of. 

After that experience I was hesitant to engage in the creation process. Of course, that left me vulnerable to the get whatever I got. Which happened. And it was not pleasant either. 

I've read through the finding your soul mate pages and am ready to begin. I have already begun the refinement of my own self. I began this a couple years ago when I knew I was ready for my soul mate, but wanted to be the best I could be for their sake. I still have a long way to go but I'm working diligently at it. 

I have noticed that since I began changing myself on the inside, the quality of people in my life has changed dramatically. I am a kind, giving soul. But somehow I've always been surrounded by the takers, meanies and slackers. Now, I can look around and genuinely say that the people in my environment are kind and giving also. I have begun to make great strides in my personal relationships. 

Now I'm ready to begin asking for a soul mate. But part of the problem is maybe that I don't know exactly what it is that I want. Here is where I need your help. I do not want to relive my previous creation experience. In the review of part 1, you mentioned to include the yang aspects of my ideal partner. I'm not sure how exactly to do this. If I want to have someone that is financially secure and will take care of the family if need be, how do include the negative of that? If I want someone who is young at heart and still learning and growing, what kind of negative do I add to give balance? Also, how do approach not knowing what I want? Will God provide me with the characteristics that are best for me without me knowing what they are? If so, how do incorporate that? 

So please help if you can. I'm ready to move into love and light, but get discouraged sometimes and experience setbacks by accepting old beliefs that are untrue and came from trauma events. I am ready to find someone who offers as much as love as I do. It has already begun happening with my career and my friendships. 

Will be waiting to hear from you. Thank you very much. 


Arizona, USA 

Hello Mindy,

It is wonderful that you were able to understand the importance of your own evolution before working on finding your soul mate.  That within itself is an accomplishment you should feel proud of because evolving your own soul is a step many pass by.

Defining the characteristics of your soulmate is meant to make you wonder and question, "what do I want" and "what do I not want'  and these questions often lead to uncertainty.  The natural law of yin-yang creates balance, so yes, when you describe your soulmate and the values and characteristics you wish for him to possess, the yang will be there are characteristics that come along with the yin that you most likely didn't think of.   But these yangs don't have to be deal-breakers, as long as the characteristics are within your realm of acceptances.  No one is perfect because if we were perfect then there would be no reason to be here!  We're all meant to evolve our souls and relationships are the key to our evolution. 

Perhaps you might want to look at this process from a simple viewpoint:  How about you make a list of the most important qualities you want your soul mate to possess and also make a list of the top qualities you absolutely do not want your soul mate to possess? 

You may want to consider working on one more thing:  eventhough the past and past relationships caused you pain, and perhaps closed you off to opening up and trusting in relationships, your experiences in the past molded you to who you are today.  When you became aware of the pain and m8ade a decision to work to overcome the negativity, bringing light into your soul, what  you are really did was invest energy to create a new future for yourself.  Would you say you put in substantial effort in redefining who you are and created a new, happier path of destiny for your present and  future?  If the answer is yes, then perhaps you may consider letting the past and the affects on you go.  Why not release all the emotions you are still holding onto so you can become truly open to receiving the love that your soulmate will give to you?  Do you believe you are ready to receive that kind of love?   Your suffering should be over, no?

If the answer is yes to many of the thoughts above, then you may want to consider investing some energy in letting the past be the past!   There is a wise saying that the past is the past and cannot be undone, but when you carry it with you it becomes a ton of bricks on your back that continues to afflict the present and future paths.  Put the bag of bricks down and continue to move forward on the path you created and you just may find that the soul mate you soon define, is exactly what you've been searching for. 

Love and Light,
Jordan Canon
Spiritual Advisor

Libra Soul Mate Temptations

Hi Jordan,

I just sent a message. I forgot to ask about the temptations. You said that we should expect to be tempted at least three times. How will I know if it's my genuine soul mate or an imposter? 

Thank You,
Arizona, USA

Hello Mindy,

You may want to read about temptation on the website and also the seven deadly sins so you become aware of the characteristics of each one; for yourself and your future soul mate.  When you know the characteristics, you can easily recognize when temptation is trying to take you from the light.

Perhaps you shouldn't worry too much on temptation bringing in an imposter.  If you invest energy in creating the list of what your soul mate must have and must not have, then you should be in a position to easily recognize whether a potential soul mate possess those traits or not after a couple of dates.

Perhaps temptation can be viewed not only sending in an imposter (which the more detailed your "ideal soulmate" list is, the more easily you can deter temptation, BUT often temptation tries to steer people into premature relationships for reasons other than pure love of the soul; for instance, money, convenience, companionship if lonely, etc.  Waiting for the perfect soul mate is a challenge and when temptation sees an opening to make a person believe they cannot wait any longer, then it may create an opportunity to bring in a soul that doesn't quite measure up to your ideal soulmate as you described him.

Believe in the power of light and universe and stay true to yourself.  You may just find everything your heart and soul desires.

Love and Light,

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Why are Libra Compatibility Rankings Different when Reversed?

Hi Jordan,

I was just curious about something. I'm a Libra woman and have just started dating a Pisces man. 
So, naturally, I came here to check our compatibilities. I was on the pisces relationship page and began reading about the pisce libra realtionship. Then it occurred to me to check the same compatibility only from the libra page. So I did. 

Here's my question. On the Pisces page with Libra it described the union as impossible. Then on the Libra page Libra with Pisces said this union was the best in the zodiac. So why is there such a difference in the information? 

Can you please clarify this for me? I don't understand how there can be such a difference.  

I have enjoyed your horoscopes for quite some time now. 

Thank you very much, 

Hello Mindy,

You ask a very good question!

I’m not sure what you mean, on the Libra Compatibility Rankings Page, Libra and Pisces is ranked 12th. It is Libra and Aquarius that may be one of the best matches in the Zodiac.

Even so, the compatibility pages are unique for each sign and yes, signs compatibility ranking can be different on each sign.  Think of the each page's compatibility ranking as looking from the perspective from the souls of the particular sign.  So from a Libra sign, compatibility with a Pisces is ranked lower than most other signs. This could be interrupted as Libra's natural compatibility with other signs is stronger than that with a Pisces. However, when looking from the perspective of a Pisces soul, compatibility with a Libra is stronger than when looking from the view of a Libran.   

Now, with that said, the compatibility rankings are a guide.  Any two souls, when harnessing the positive energy of a relationship, can blend and create a perfectly happy union.  The rankings are sort of a guide to show how the natural strengths and weaknesses of two particular signs work together.  What if two signs not ranked high in compatibility worked to overcome the "challenging aspects" of the natural union?  The best way to gain insight into your relationship is with a Relationship Compatibility Reading.

What type of relationship do you think would exist if the two  worked together to harness and create a relationship based primarily on the relationship strengths?  Would a "naturally not so compatible" union be stronger than a "naturally compatible" union who put no effort in overcoming the challenges within the relationship?  For instance, Aquarians and Libras possess a very strong, natural bond, but this doesn't mean the union is free from challenges.  What if the Aquarian-Libran couple put no effort in basing their relationship off of the natural strengths and instead allow challenges to continually pop up in their environment?  Which relationship do you think would be stronger?

Hopefully, this makes sense, but if not, I'd be more than happy to explain the point in another way.
Ultimately, the energy invested in the relationship is the primary importance and driver behind the success, happiness, and true love that blossoms. 

Love and Light,
Jordan Canon
Spiritual Advisor

Monday, March 31, 2014

Water All Around Me

I have recently moved out of my home of 11 years and in the middle of a separation/divorce from my husband of 15 years.  Our 2 younger children live with him in our family home and my oldest 17 year old daughter live with his parents due to conflict between myself and her.

There seems to be a lot of water in my life.  At the family home the sealant in the master bedroom caused a leak that created mold and damaged the front of the house windows.  This week the toilet overran for 8 hours causing the dining room ceiling to collapse and the kitchen ceiling too.  Last week it rained for 5 straight days canceling my daughter's soccer practice and games, and the dishwasher clogged so bad it leaked water into the lower cabinets.

I'm staying positive about the construction needed on the house, the divorce and living on my own without the kids.  But I am trying to find a reason or meaning in this sudden outburst of water all around me.

Talitha, Libra 

Hello Talitha,

Thank you for writing in to me.  It seems there is a significant amount of change in your life.  I often suggest for one's going through major transitions to consider this point in your life an opportunity to learn and grow.  Often, we look at external circumstances (events, people, etc.) and focus energy on these external circumstances instead of what is within.  What is it that our soul wishes for us to achieve?  What is it our soul wishes for us to overcome?  You see, each of us are created with a natural set of gifts, but the yang of that is each of us are given natural challenges that we must work to overcome in our lifetime.  But for some reason, many find it easier to look outside instead of within. 

If you had to select one thing to fix other than the problems with your house, one thing about yourself - what would it be?

Perhaps you also may want to consider visiting the website and reading the related to relationship challenges.  Maybe you'll find some ideas that you can apply to help you work to improve the relationship with your daughter, if that is a path you wish to invest energy into.  The link is:

Our future path of destiny is yet to be determined.  There are multiple paths which exist for each one of us and it is our choices, big and small, that ultimately decide which path our future takes.  Define your destiny is as easy as applying the right energy to the right aspects of yourself.  And again, the answers are usually within.

Love and Light,